Alexa Most Essential Tips on Do and Don’t of Email Marketing

4 Most Essential Do and Don’t of Email Marketing

Sales | by Patricia Jones
most essential do and dont of email marketing

Email Marketing might seem to be the best option that we have in this world of smartphones, apps, and social media that we live in, for if email marketing had not worked, then companies would not have used it. Nor would have they spent so much effort and time on getting it just right for their selected audiences.

According to market research data, nearly more than half of the global population nowadays uses emails, which suggests that it is possible for you to market your products and services to a potentially huge audience using email-marketing strategies.

However, it is also important that you must understand how you should design your email marketing campaign so that it bypasses the usual instinct that people have to hit the “Delete” button, especially when they realize that someone is to trying to sell them something undesirable against their will.

Therefore, if you want to make your email marketing campaigns a hit and more effective, then you must keep these following 4 tips in mind before you push the “Send” button:

1. Provide a Snappy Subject Line

The most important part of an email marketing campaign is its subject line. For, it is the subject line of an email, which determines whether someone will open your message or send it straight into the trash, unseen. Therefore, make the subject line of your emails clear and concise, and ensure that the verbiage in the subject line does not sound like an advertisement. Remember, if the subject line even has a whiff of spam about it, it will be deleted.

In addition, try to use few phrases similar in all your subject lines every time you send out new emails. This is because, if your customers are used to looking for a particular phrase, then when they see a new message in their inbox, they will know where it is from right away, instead of deleting the email for being unfamiliar.

2. Do not rely on images

Although it is necessary that you must include images in your email marketing templates, you should also know that images do not always get displayed automatically or correctly. Hence, before you send your email campaigns, make sure that you have sufficient text description to make your message clear, just in case your pretty picture does not show up.

Use images that load quickly, and choose the ones that will display on the greatest number of devices. Doing this will assure you that it will not matter if someone is checking their email on their phone, tablet or desktop.

Uploading optimized images helps your viewers to see the emails as you intended it to be, instead of seeing them as truncated and missing pieces.

3. Do include unsubscribe information and your physical address

While it may seem like you are setting yourself up for failure, but you must always include a link to unsubscribe from your email-marketing list as well as your physical address in all your emails. This is because, without the elements, your message will be considered as spam, and will be directly violating the federal law. So make sure everyone who receives your messages know how they can stop receiving them, and make this endeavor a straightforward process. Remember, even if some of the viewers of your email leave for now, if they exist easily, that will surely give them a positive impression of your brand.

4. Stop sending messages no one wants

None of us wants to receive marketing promotions, we did not ask for, which is particularly true when it comes to emails. Hence, make sure that you only send messages to people who have shown their interest in your company. Find people who want further communication from you and avoid digit cold calling, for it seldom works.


Now that you have understood the basics dos and don’ts of email marketing, if you have any further suggestions, we would be happy to learn about them in the comment box below.

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